Call for Papers
Call for Conference Papers
Submission link
You are cordially invited to participate in The International Conference on "Innovation and Modern Applied Science" to enrich the different topics covered by your current research.
The International Conference on "Innovation and Modern Applied Science" is opened to all desciplines :
- Computer science.
- mathematical science.
- Physics
- chemistry.
- Biology
- Geology
- Economics
- management.
- ...
- Deadline for submission of abstracts and articles : 30 June 2019
- Notification of acceptance : July 05, 2019
- Registration : July 10, 2019
- Date of the conference : July 30-31, 2019
- All submissions must be written in English or French*
- Only electronic submissions in Word or PDF format will be considered.
- Abstracts should not exceed 2 pages maximum (Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, References).
- Articles should not exceed 5 pages, including references, figures and tables.
We kindly ask you to forward this information to your colleagues and doctorants who might be interested in participating.
*: French paper will be translated by our team.